Talking with Families: Sharing Understandings of Development


Learn about:

        Moving beyond partnerships, using a family-centred approach

        Gathering information about development

       Understanding emotions from a ‘Theory of Change’ model perspective

       Positive early conversations & meetings with families

This workshop aligns with the National Quality Standard:

        Quality Areas 1.3 and 6.2.

This workshop aligns with the Professional Standards for Teachers:

1.5 hours of elective PD towards maintaining NESA accreditation:

        Standard 1:       Know students and how they learn.

        Standard 5.1:    Assess student learning.

        Standard 5.4.1: Interpret Student Data

        Standard 6:       Engage in Professional Learning.

        Standard 7:       Engage with professional teaching networks and Broader


N.B.  This professional development activity can be used towards teacher identified hours. Teachers need to record this activity in their NESA logbook.
