Keeping Children Safe - KU Queensland Inclusion Professionals Only
This course provides current information about the KU process for responding to child wellbeing and child protection concerns in the home or at a care and education service. Information is provided on KU’s child safe expectations, and the child safe responsibilities and processes for KU inclusion professionals.
The passing of the Child Safe Organisations Bill in September 2024 has established an integrated child safe organisation system in Queensland. During the training we will discuss the role out of the Child Safe Standards and the Reportable Conduct Scheme over the next three years.
The course also provides information about how concerns and complaints about a staff members interaction with a child is managed by KU including external reporting requirements.
It is a KU expectation all staff who have contact with children to be aware of current child protection laws and obligations. Staff must complete this "refresher child protection" course every 12 - 24 months. New staff are expected to complete this course within 2 months of commencement.
NQS 2 and 5
National Child Safe Principles - Principles 5, 6 and 7